Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Aubrey Girl!

Aubrey turns 1!

Cool, what are these round things with holes? (Pineapple upside down cake)

I know it's been ages since I've posted a blog. At the end of the day, after being in front of a computer for most of the day, the last thing I feel like doing is sitting at our computer. Sorry to all who have checked frequently for new posts. I likely won't be the best blogger down the road for this same reason but I'll do my best.

Since I blogged last, Aubrey girl has had many life happenings. She went on a trip to Iowa for Thanksgiving, had her first surgery for ear tubes, celebrated her first Christmas and New Year, and on Friday, she turned 1! So much in so little time! It's been a great year! Challenging but wonderful, as I'm sure many new parents can relate. Aubrey's next adventures are moving in to the Tiny Tot classroom at daycare, and walking! Can't wait!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Back to School

Well, we've made it through yet another double ear infection. We'll likely be discussing tubes if these infections keep springing up. Aubrey is doing so much better with her appetite and is actually eating pureed baby food for the first time! My mom came to the rescue for the last four days and got Aubrey fed very well during her visit. It was great to have a second opinion and another set of hands. Mom is back home to our dismay but it was a very nice visit. Aubrey cried when we dropped Grandma off at the bus stop yesterday :-(

Aubrey's back to daycare today and is doing well. I'm missing her like nobody's business but have only a few hours left till I can pick her up.

In only a few days, Aubrey will be 10 months old! We're off to Iowa for our first trip back in at least a couple years. It will be nice to have a week off and to see Aaron's family. I'm looking forward to all the Thanksgiving food too :-)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Fighting the Flu

Well, Aubrey and I are having quite the week. On Wednesday, I got a call from daycare asking that I come pick Aubrey up for the day. She was throwing up. We decided to also keep her home yesterday as she had a case of the scoots as well. Yesterday afternoon, my health took a nose dive which led to lots of throwing up and nausea. Unfortunately, I had to come to work today as I have a few clients. If I had a personal secretary, I'd be at home sleeping but I had no way of letting these people know so I peeled myself off the bed and came in today. Aubrey's doing a lot better and is back at daycare for today. I may head home this afternoon and get a few hours sleep before picking her up for the weekend. So much for getting flu shots!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Love Halloween

I think we have a candy lover living in our house. As you can see from the following pictures, Aubrey is quite enthralled by Halloween candy. I'm sure this love will only increase as the years pass by. Aubrey couldn't just settle on one candy pack at a time; she had to double fist it or try to shove two packs in her mouth at once. Don't worry, no samples were had this year, except by Aaron and I. We went around to 5 houses in our neighborhood tonight to say hi and show Aubrey the ropes of trick or treating. Aaron and I had a lot of fun with the day and are looking forward to the many Halloween's over the next 15 or so years. Lots of kids stopped by our house...we actually had to pull out the granola bars as we ran out of candy by 7:45! We'll have to buy another bag next year. Hope you all had a great one!

Hmm what have we here?
Mmm M&M's and Milky Way
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!
Oooh I really like these!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Time is Flying

Aubrey and Grandpa
Our little pumpkin

Aaron's new truck

Well, it's already been nine months since our baby girl was born. Hard to believe I could have relived another pregnancy (greatful that I haven't though). Since I blogged last, we've celebrated Thanksgiving with our friends Tim and Emily, had a visit from Grandpa S, purchased Aaron a new truck (farewell Subaru Impreza), gotten Aubrey through a double ear infection and round of antibiotics, and worked a lot. Aubrey is really trying to cut some more teeth but they are very resistant to breaking through.

This week, Aaron and I have been struggling to get Aubrey to sleep at her usual 7:30 time. She is not happy when it's time to go in the crib. We've tried to let her cry it out, done the whole patting on the back trick, and consoling her. Unfortunately, those things are not effective. We're at a bit of a loss and hoping this is just a phase...maybe her teeth are just really bugging her. Anyways, we're crossing our fingers that bedtime goes back to being an easy time.

This Sunday marks Aubrey's first Halloween. She will be a pumpkin this year and will have had a couple practice runs in her costume before Sunday. They are taking pictures of all the kids at daycare, dressed in their costumes. Aaron and I are going to a Halloween party tomorrow night and I am yet to come up with a costume. I'm going to have to get creative tonight. Our friends Elizabeth and Chance are going to man the house while we're away for a couple hours. It will be nice to see them.
Happy Halloween everyone! Happy moving day to Greg, Britt, and Quinn!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Colorado and Climbing

I'm waving so hard, the picture is blury~ This is me and dad at the Airforce Academy Visitors Center
Outside the US Olympic Training Facility. Yeah!
Mom and Aubrey reunited at the end of the workshop. So happy to see each other again!

We had a great time in Colorado Springs. Aaron played Mister Mom and did a great job. Aubrey was always happy when I returned home at the end of the day and both Aaron and Aubrey appeared to bond a bit more over the week. Aubrey and Aaron went to the zoo, we checked out Garden of the Gods, went to the Airforce Academy, ate some great food (Aubrey's favorite was Spaetzl- a German noodle), saw the location for the US Women's Open for 2011, and slept a bunch.

My conference was really good. I learned a bunch and also confirmed my knowledge of sports nutrition. It was so cool to eat and walk around in the same place as Olympic athletes and see their training facilities. Most of their sports dietitians taught classes and labs in our workshop, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Now that we're back, Aubrey is crawling and climbing on everything. Today, she helped me empty the dishwasher, as you can see above :-)

Friday, September 24, 2010

8 months!

Aubrey turned 8 months on Tuesday! Hard to believe I could have almost had another baby by now! This weekend Aaron and I met a couple at a baby consignment store that were holding a nine month old and were expecting their next baby in 3 short months!!! No thanks! I can't imagine all the diapers, sleeplessness, and stress those parents are going to go through.

Something new for Aubrey is that she is waving almost every few minutes. Whenever someone walks in the room at daycare, she does a little princess wave and smiles. It's very cute. Other than that, she is still trying to figure out the crawling business. She really wants to stand at all times so perhaps she is distracted by her thoughts of standing that she is not thinking of scooting around on the ground. At any rate, we're having lots of fun with her. She is now in the next level at daycare; Polliwogs. No longer a Guppy but I think she's really loving the new room. There is a lot more interaction and the kids aren't quite as needy. She's enjoying sitting at a kid-size table for snacks and meals.

Next week, the three of us are off to Colorado Springs for a work/vacation. I'm attending a sports nutrition workshop at the US Olympic Training Facility (very excited about this) and Aaron is going to hang out with Aubrey and do some sight seeing. We're heading out a day early to catch a couple tourist stops...maybe the Red Rocks and Airforce base. It will be a lot of fun. I'm sure I'll have pictures to post when we get back :-)