I will start this new blog off by saying "Welcome!". I'm happy you have decided to check out Aubrey Girl's new blog where I plan to share pictures and stories of our little girl's adventures through baby-hood. As many of you know, Aubrey Yvonne Kjeld was born at 7:39 p.m. on January 21st (only 3 days late), weighing in at 10 pounds and measuring 21 inches long. I was sure that I was going to be 2 weeks overdue and have to have a c section but my body surprised me and initiated labor on its own, delivering our girl without surgery.
Since Aubrey's arrival, Aaron and I have been in baby heaven loving her up and marveling at all her little sounds, looks, movements etc. As so many have told us, time flies fast when you have kids...it is so true. Each day, Aubrey does something more advanced then the day before which totally blows me away.
The cool stuff she has been mastering lately include sleeping 4 or more hours straight at night, cooing (although it sounds more like "eee-oh" or "kaw" (like a baby crow), staying awake longer throughout the day, not fussing when I get ready in the morning (doing great at self soothing), figuring out how to keep her Soothie in her mouth for longer periods of time, holding her head up for 5 or more seconds, smiling (almost laughing), and tying our hearts around her little fingers.
Since Aubrey's arrival, I have set a personal goal to 1) take a shower, blowdry my hair and put some makeup on at least 5 days a week and 2) get out of the house daily. This has been a tough task on some days but whenever I make it happen, I feel so much better. Daily activities have varied from trips to Target, walks on the waterfront or in our neighborhood, visits to work, visits to my knitting group, out to lunch with Aaron, visits with other new moms and babies houses, among other fun adventures. We've had a great time and Aubrey is becoming quite the social butterfly. Below you can see that she has been in many baby circles lately. A fun shot for all.
Next week, we are off to Peoria, AZ to visit with Gma and Gpa Stephanson and Gma Mo (first meeting which will be fun for both parties). I will likely be on call as the milk wagon while Aubrey is passed from one loving set of arms to another. Aaron and I are already starting to miss our girl, knowing we won't be getting too much 1:1 time with her. That's ok though...I suppose we need to share her at some point :-)
I hope you all decide to join my blog and follow Aubrey's progress as she grows. I'll throw in some stuff about Aaron and I now and again but let's get real... you all want to hear about the baby. I won't disappoint! Love to all, Claire.