Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Back to School

Well, we've made it through yet another double ear infection. We'll likely be discussing tubes if these infections keep springing up. Aubrey is doing so much better with her appetite and is actually eating pureed baby food for the first time! My mom came to the rescue for the last four days and got Aubrey fed very well during her visit. It was great to have a second opinion and another set of hands. Mom is back home to our dismay but it was a very nice visit. Aubrey cried when we dropped Grandma off at the bus stop yesterday :-(

Aubrey's back to daycare today and is doing well. I'm missing her like nobody's business but have only a few hours left till I can pick her up.

In only a few days, Aubrey will be 10 months old! We're off to Iowa for our first trip back in at least a couple years. It will be nice to have a week off and to see Aaron's family. I'm looking forward to all the Thanksgiving food too :-)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Fighting the Flu

Well, Aubrey and I are having quite the week. On Wednesday, I got a call from daycare asking that I come pick Aubrey up for the day. She was throwing up. We decided to also keep her home yesterday as she had a case of the scoots as well. Yesterday afternoon, my health took a nose dive which led to lots of throwing up and nausea. Unfortunately, I had to come to work today as I have a few clients. If I had a personal secretary, I'd be at home sleeping but I had no way of letting these people know so I peeled myself off the bed and came in today. Aubrey's doing a lot better and is back at daycare for today. I may head home this afternoon and get a few hours sleep before picking her up for the weekend. So much for getting flu shots!